JoyLife Corporate & Employee Wellness Programs

JoyLife is excited to announce the launch of our latest wellness initiative: – this is an online anxiety treatment service to help individuals cope with a wide variety anxieties from phobias to performance anxiety and social anxiety. Follow the above link to learn more and try it out with a 5 day free trial.

Our philosophy is simple yet profound:

1. Improving Behavioral Habits Deeply Impacts Individuals & Culture

We believe that changing patterns of behavior is the key to success for our Wellness Programs.  Simply setting up a gym in the office isn’t enough.  Our Wellness Programs are successful because we embrace and promote a cultural and behavioral change. This means change for the individual and change for the company.

We produce profoundly positive benefits for both.

2. Success Hinges On Quantitative Measures

At JoyLife we believe in measuring success.  There are 2 critical areas that must be measured to understand the benefits produced through our corporate wellness programs.

Measuring Business Impact: We do this through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).  Your company is probably already using KPIs in other parts of your business to measure success, we will bring this same quantitative analysis to your Wellness Program.

Measuring Health & Wellness Impact: Similar to KPIs for the business, we use Key Health Indicators (KHIs) to measure the impact our employee wellness programs are having on your workforce.

We compile, analyze and report KPIs and KHIs on both a quarterly and annual basis so you know the effect your dollars are having.

Our primary goals are 3 fold:

  1. Save Your Company Money – on average our clients see 125% ROI
  2. Improve Your Company Productivity – Through reducing lost work days, reducing churn and improving work activity
  3. Improve Your Employee’s Quality of Life

We ensure achievement of these goals by setting appropriate targets for Key Health Indicators (KHIs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and then following up with quarterly KHI & KPI reporting & analysis.

What are the primary reasons to implement a wellness program for my company?

The answer to this question may be quite different for each business, though in general the core goals are focused on:

1. Bottom Line Improvements

2. Improved Productivity

3. Long Term Cost Savings

4. Improved Work Quality

JoyLife provides customized wellness programs matched to meet your company’s needs and goals. You’ll find our process is unique and offers the best combination of thoroughness, fit and value. As an added benefit, our stepped process offers you a quick and easy entry point. To ensure a close fit between your company’s goals and our services, we run our most popular programs in a 3 stepped fashion:

Step 1: Executive Consultation
Step 2: Company Assessment
Step 3: Wellness Program Implementation

Step 1: Executive Consultation

We start with an Executive Consultation phase to determine the general outlines of a program, including:
Strategic Goals

Step 2: Company Assessment

Our second step assesses detailed goals, where your workforce wellness is at and what type of employee wellness program is needed to best achieve the desired outcomes. In this phase we determine:
First 12 Months of Wellness Program
Key Health Indicators (KHIs)
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Type and Amounts of Intervention Required

Step 3: Wellness Program Implementation

The final step is an ongoing iterative process where KHIs and KPIs are routinely measured against goals to ensure progress. This process can be thought of as Train, Measure, Modify, Repeat. Implementation is usually a long-term ongoing process in which we provide:
Training & Tools
Measures & Analytics
Ongoing Consultations
Quarterly Reporting

There are many lenses through which to view employee health, outcomes and the benefits derived for the company. Our goal is to find the right mix of services that will move the dial for your company. Our wellness programs are not one-size-fits-all programs – we offer truly revolutionizing services that will build better employees, better workplaces and ultimately a stronger bottom line.

Submit Contact Form Here, or give us a call:
